Saturday, March 22, 2008

How I come up with these projections (and where do I steal the data from?)

There are several key sites I check daily for the latest poll updates and to get a feel for the general political mood.

Top of the list is easily RealClearPolitics, which not only provides constant new polling data for the national races, senate races, house races, etc., but it also links to a wide range of commentary, from the late William F. Buckley to Christopher Hitchens to the latest post on DailyKos.

Next, The Hedgehog Report,
which provides excellent conservative commentary (out of Maryland, my former home, no less!) and holds polling data on each state, updating constantly.

From these two sites I simply hop from polling website to website collecting the latest numbers and averaging them out.
There are several sites I envy for their more elaborate getup (not to mention they've been in the game for longer than I have):
The Votemaster, The Blogging Ceasar,
President Elect, and my favorite aggregate of polling data,

I hold my own biases, but by pulling my information from as many polls as recently as possible, I feel confident in my rolling analysis.

Back to the maps

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