Tuesday, January 22, 2008

UPDATED electoral map 1/22/2008

Reflecting on the recent updates at http://www.electoral-vote.com/ here is a hybridized view of generic frontrunner republican (Rudy/McCain) vs frontrunner democrat (Obama/Hillary)

Based on the latest polling data from surveyUSA that he has been using, heres a new map for november, and its actually better news for the GOP:

Oregon, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey are up for grabs

Ohio is comfortably (within at least a 3 pt victory) GOP, more so for my worrisome Missouri and Virginia. The loss of Iowa is rather small compaired to the apparent lack of major shifting in the red-leaning swing states of VA, OH, NM, CO, NV, MO, and FL.

Mind you, this projection is more than 10 months away, or to paraphrase the words of the Votemaster @ E-V.com, you could have a baby before that grisly fall day.

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